It’s January 7th and we’re finally looking to get our first dump of snow today in a nor’easter. RVC is excited. You’re excited. Dan and Todd are excited.

So what better day than to tell you about the grooming plan for MVP this winter!
For 2022 MVP will have ~ 22 km of groomed singletrack. This includes most of the Flight Deck area and we’ve got the trail building crew’s support to groom Monkey Business this year too. For you riders who have never ventured over to ride Greg’s Way in the summer make sure to go check it out in the winter. The Back 40 is a game changing connection and it open’s up access to the Greg’s way area. Back 40 is a hilariously good trail in it’s own right. We’ll keep the parking lot open all winter so that you don’t have to brave narrow slushy roads to get to the riding. We’ll also keep the Trailforks map up to date but remember to hit the ‘winter trails’ option on the map and you may need to refresh the data on your phone app.
MVP mountain biking trailsKeeping 22 km of singletrack groomed takes a lot of resources and a heroic effort from the groomers! You can get your 2022 RVC Winterbike membership here to access the trails and support the grooming. Also, if you love winter trails and want to take your support one step further please check out our GoFundMe campaign. We have one week left to try and meet our fundraising target of $5,000 to get the grooming team some updated and more reliable equipment. We are so close and even small donations are a big help. Thank you!