Hey riders. By now you’ve seen ‘Super Tundra‘ – the newest addition to our winter grooming fleet. Isn’t she a beauty!

Buying a brand new snow machine off the lot with a warranty is a game changer. Our master volunteer groomer Dan Breau has already reported that it’s changing the way he’ll groom, given its pulling power. Having this machine is going to lower our gas costs, and most importantly it will mean that Dan has to spend far less time maintaining the machine for each hour he spends shaping snow for us. We’re super psyched. We want to send a huge thanks to the City of Fredericton who awarded us a community grant that covered half of the purchase cost which we matched with funds raised from you – our club supporters and members! Thanks so much!

And here’s what we plan on doing with it…
This winter RVC plans to keep 14 km of trial open with the sled. In addition to this we are hoping that the ‘shoe-to-ride’ effort will keep the Greg’s Way loops open – which are an amazing winter ride once you find yourself at the end of the Back 40.
MVP mountain biking trailsUnfortunately, it won’t be an option to groom the flight deck this winter. The landowner is allowing his road to be used to support a nearby logging operation which we understand will start anytime in the next week with frequent trucking expected throughout the month of March. Out of a concern for rider safety and a need to respect the landowner’s arrangements trails from #Blazing Destruction to V-Fib will remain closed until spring. There’s still plenty to ride though!
So, we hope you’re as psyched as we are now that the snow is here and the weather is consistently cold. We hope you love the winter trails and remember to support RVC Winterbike with your 2024 membership!