Hey riders – back due to popular demand is the RVC night ride.

We start this week and we’ll be riding every Wed unless the trails are wet. Expect things to be a hoot. We’ll host at least two groups each week starting at the same time at the same trailhead. We’ll have a pack of ‘Party Pacers‘ that will be approachable for anyone who’s looking for a relaxed social ride. We’ll also have a group of ‘Trail Chasers‘ who are looking to cover a little more distance, and ride a little faster. Nobody will be dropped – regardless of the group. These are social rides and you’ll have more luck getting an Instagram post than a KOMs, QOMs, or any other speed record.

Night riding is a whole new experience. There’s something very satisfying about being in the middle of a long snake of light twisting through the dark forest as the leaves are falling. Trails you’ve ridden before feel different and everything feels a little faster than it really is.
A few tips about riding lights if you’ll be shopping to get one for the first time:
- Light power output is measured in Lumens and 500 would be the bare minimum for singletrack. You can get away with less power in groups because you’ll benefit from riders behind you and in front of you who are lighting your way. 1000 lumens is plenty to ride solo at night.
- Bring your helmet to the shop to make sure the light’s mounting strap is a good fit for your particular helmet design. You want it to sit flat and securely on the top of your head. A little wobble in the shop means that your light beam will be all over the place on bumpy singletrack.
- A helmet mount has the benefit of putting light in the place where you want to look where a handlebar mount puts light strait ahead. The downside is that you need to remember you’ve got something sticking up on top of your head. If you’re used to ducking under branches don’t get caught. Also, if your light is heavy your neck will feel it at the end of a long ride.
- Buy a reputable brand from a reputable shop. While there are plenty of cheap lights on eBay you might live to regret your choice if it has a wiring fault and just cuts out dead some night in the woods kilometers away from your car.
In addition to a light you’ll need to make sure you bring whatever you need to fix a flat tire and keep yourself happy on a 90 minute ride (water, snacks, whatever). Don’t forget to join RVC if you haven’t already done so this year.
The fall schedule:
- Sept 21 – UNB Woodlot
- Sept 28 – Woolastook
- Oct 5 – Penniac
- Oct 12 – MVP
- Oct 19 – Odell Park
- Oct 26 – MVP
Our Oct 26th night ride will be ‘member appreciation night’ and we’ll make it special! Rides start every week at 7:00. Stay connected to RVC on Facebook for the latest updates.