With the permission of the City, Odell Park is now back on RVC’s website and Trailforks. This is the result of a lot of productive conversation between RVC and city staff over the past 2 years. It marks a turning point that is consistent with the Odell Master Plan, which included mountain biking in the site’s future, through well maintained and sustainable trails.

There’s a lot of work to do. City staff have asked RVC to come forward with trail maintenance and improvement priorities for 2022 – and we’re putting together a plan now. We’ll be proposing a few projects that will improve rideability and correct issues with the existing trail network. We’ve heard from many riders already but if you have a project idea please get in touch with RVC.
Odell Park mountain biking trailsNot all trail are sanctioned, so you’ll notice that the maps don’t include any of the legacy trails that run into sensitive environments. The old Evil Streambed and Bumblebee trails that cross Phyllis Brook numerous times will likely be decommissioned and revegetated in the future – so RVC is asking members to please avoid those. As well, the Creekbed trail that continues downhill from Red Arrow and collects a lot of water may be the subject of a future city project and is not included in the sanctioned trail plan.

Odell can be wet in the spring. Please ride responsibly and avoid braiding trails or expanding wet holes – those will just become issues for volunteers to address. It’s a beautiful place and RVC is extremely happy to be in a position to say that riders are welcome to use the park. Remember to yield to hikers and remember to support RVC by joining us.