Fields marked with an * are required HTML Welcome to the 2023 RVC Winterbike registration!RVC Winterbike Membership lets you enjoy our groomed trails at MVP and Woolastook and join regular group rides that are coordinated through our Facebook channel that will also head to other winter trailheads in the region. Your membership pays for the gas and spare-parts that volunteer groomers need to keep the trails in great shape for you. Thanks for your support for the 2023 season! Member Level * Day Pass - $10 Individual - $30 Family - $50 Gold Supporter - $100 First Name * Last Name * Add Additional Family Members (where applicable) City Province New Brunswick Newfoundland & Labrador Nova Scotia Prince Edward Island Quebec Ontario Manitoba Saskatchewan Alberta British Columbia Email * Would you like to be included on RVC's email list? * yes no Note: If you are not on the mailing list you will not receive emails regarding club events, or notification of the AGM. I have read and understand the above waiver. * Waiver By checking below, I agree and understand that there are inherent risks and dangers attached to the sport of cycling and cycling competitions. I agree to assume completely those risks and dangers of whatever nature. Moreover, I agree to assume solely full responsibility for all damage of any nature that I might cause to third parties. In consideration of the acceptance of my registration, I hold free and harmless from any liability the organizers, its administrators, its organizing committee, its employees, its representatives, its volunteers, any site owners, the Canadian Cycling Association, its representatives and volunteers, Velo NB Inc., its representatives and volunteers, the town, the owners of the lands, and all sponsors and organizations involved and associated with RVC, VeloNB and the Canadian Cycling Association, as well as any other corporation or person directly or indirectly involved with RVC and/or events, rides, trail days, and other activities that it or its members may host. I therefore waive my right to claim and my right of action against each and every person mentioned in the forgoing lines in relation with the occurrence of any loss, damage or injury of any nature that I might sustain regarding my involvement with RVC. I hereby acknowledge that I recognize the risks inherent in participating in mountain biking and have prepared adequately for such, I hereby assume all risks in same. Divider Total Total10.00 HTML If you are a human seeing this field, please leave it empty.