Sunday, August 25, 2024
This long-running favourite event is about having a good time. Race solo, or as a team, at a hammer or chill pace. We’re excited to be showcasing a couple of brand new trails in this year’s course that will suit a wide range of skill levels! The course will include both new hand-built as well as machine-built trails, and everything will be flow-tastic. Racers complete as many laps as they can in the allotted time, solo (must be 19+) or as relay teams of 2 or 3. Or just do as many laps as you feel like riding, and hang out at the start/finish cheering and socializing. It’s all fun.

As usual, there will be great draw prizes from our amazing community bike shops, Explore Velo and Radical Edge, and refreshments and swag from Trailway Brewing. We’ll have Willie’s Sausages on site BBQing. You’ll get one item with your event entry (meat or veggie), and spectators and extra-hungry riders can buy extra items at $5 apiece.
Adam of Baxter Photography wil be taking shots during the event, so ham it up or catch some sweet air when you see him. After the event you can get access to the photo set for $5.
As in 2023, Race HQ, the start/finish, and parking will be in the Fox’s Den. You won’t find it on Google Maps, as it’s not normally open to camping, but HERE are directions from the 102. Basically you’ll follow the campground road all the way around to the campground loops. You’ll pass a set of gates and then a little garbage trailer and then turn left where it’s signed “Fox’s Den.” Race day, it will be signed from the park entrance on the south side of the highway to the start/finish and parking.
- Solo Men (must be 19 or older)
- Solo Women (must be 19 or older)
- Open Team (members may be of any age and gender)
- Women’s Team (all members must be women/girls)
- Youth Team (all members must be 16 or younger)
*(Solo racers must be 19 or older as of December 31, 2024)
Event Day Schedule:
- 9:30-10:30 am Registration and plate pickup
- 11:00 am Race start
- 3:00 pm cut-off to begin final lap
- 3:30 pm awards and draw prizes
Race Registration Fees:
- $40 until 6pm on Saturday, August 24 or on site race day for $50.
- If you are not a Velo NB member, there is an additional fee of $10 for a day license.
Other important info:
- There is no potable water on site. We’ll have some bottled water, but do yourself and the environment a favour and plan ahead.
- Bathroom facilities are a rustic outhouse and a Port-o-John.
- If you prefer to sit somewhere other than on the grass, bring a portable chair of some sort.
- The event runs rain or shine.
- Parking is in the campground loop near the start/finish. Pull into a site or clearing or pull up on the side of the road where there’s room, don’t block people in or park on any tents.
- Want to stay at the park? Ask us about unserviced camping at the Fox’s Den loop adjacent to the course.
Is the course marked for pre-riding?
You can find the course above on Trailforks and here on Strava. “On the ground,” the course is lightly flagged in pink and orange. Meaning, there are flags around turns and intersections. If the flag is on the right, the next turn will be a right turn. The course will be signed and mostly taped Saturday.
Can youth participate?
There’s no minimum age to participate on a team. For youth who wouldn’t be confident completing the course on their own, one option is for a parent to team up and ride with them. Your team will only get credit for relay laps – i.e. if you ride a lap together, the timing system will only register one lap.
Where can I set up my team tent?
There will be room set aside for team tents near the start/finish and feed zone. Ask our volunteer parking attendants to direct you when you arrive.
Is there an e-bike category?
Sorry, e-bikes are not permitted this year.
What’s this I’m hearing about an enduro?
If you’re in the park Saturday from around 1-3 pm, why not cheer on the club enduro race? It runs on Radical Ledge, Big Wooly, Mammoth, Birch, and Leg Eater. If you’re looking to preride the Wooly 4 course Saturday, that will go more smoothly before and after the enduro, as the events share a couple of trails.
I have more questions!
No problem. Ask your question in the discussion in the Facebook event, or get us on Facebook messenger, or use the contact us.