Supporting Cycling In and Around Fredericton
By Nick Russon
By Nick Russon
By Kelly
Total Membership as of last update: 154
Note – On the membership form there is the option to disclose (a) your name and membership level on this list, (b) your name only (listed as general members), or (c) neither.
Last updated 7/2/2020
By Nick Russon
By Kelly
RVC Membership Park
We are pleased to announce that excavator work at the RVC Membership Park has started! This will be the first excavator built trail system in the Fredericton region, which will be fun for riders of all abilities. We are very excited to get this project underway!
Built with permission on NB Department of Infrastructure and Transportation property, adjacent to the Marysville Bypass Trails, Phase 1 of this excavator-built trail system will be approximately 500m in length as shown on the attached map (yellow/black dotted line). The entire trail system at this point is just over 2km long with potential to be expanded to 5km.
K-Line Construction will be completing the project and has kicked it off with a $500 sponsorship! Continued financial support is required in order to make this project a reality, so please purchase an RVC Membership if you haven’t done so already.
Chainsaw Safety Course
Treecologic (Andrew Hayes – Owner & Operator) will host a chainsaw safety course July 16 and 18. There are still a few spots available.
Course Outline: Outline of required PPE for chainsaw use – Safe starting procedures – Chainsaw ergonomics – Chainsaw reactive forces – Chainsaw safety features – Body positioning for limbing and bucking – Tree inspection procedure – Six step felling plan – Notching and back cutting – Basic maintenance – Chain sharpening
Classroom Session: July 16th, Thursday Evening at 140 Melissa Street, Fredericton. 2.5 hrs
Practical Session: July 18th, Saturday Morning in Minto. 4 hrs, followed by a mountain bike ride then local dining/pop.
Course Instructor: Mr. Daniel LeBlanc, Arboriculture Canada Training & Education Ltd.
Cost: $40/person. Please Interac transfer $40 to MurrayKL@hotmail.com to secure your place.
Please note that the cost of this course is typically $400 per person. Thanks Daniel and Andrew for substantially subsidizing this course.
If you have been admiring others in their stylish RVC kit and would like to order some in your choice of pink or blue and a variety of items and styles, please e-mail MurrayKL@hotmail.com. RVC sells the kit to you at our cost. The basic short-sleeved jersey is $67, BMX/DH jerseys are $83, and winter cycling/skiing jackets are $164. You can also order bibs, vests, sweet areo skinsuits, or pretty much any item you find at champ-sys.ca. Use the size charts there, or talk with your similar-sized friends who already have kit. Get in touch for other pricing and with questions. Pro tip: the stuff fits small, so most need a size or two larger than usual. If you have purchased items and not received them, they will arrive with this order in about 9 weeks.
Summer Students
RVC has again received funding through the Student Employment Experience Development program to hire two students to work on local trails. We have committed membership money to extend those positions by six weeks each for an entire summer of awesomeness.
Nick and Trevor started work last week at the Marysville Bypass Trails. They will be primarily working on Lower Double Cross and The View. They will be working at this trail system for one month removing roots, burying roots, removing rocks, armoring sections with rocks, adding soil to the trail, all in an effort to repair damage and improve sustainability, to make the trails more user friendly for novice riders and faster and flowier for experienced riders. RVC’s vision for MVP is to provide a variety of trail types so Upper Double Cross and Best Bitter will remain technical trails.
Next, the summer students will be working on the trails at Island View and Woolastook.
Odell XCO
The mountain bike cross-country race at Odell Park last month was very successful, with exciting racing in all categories, plus youth and kiddie races. Thanks to all of you who pitched in to make it happen, to our sponsors – Club Fred Grafx, Giant Tiger (Devon Store), Kent Building Supplies (South), Picaroons, Radical Edge, Savage’s Bicycle Center, and Wilkins Home Building Centre – who donated prizes, and to those of you who came out to race, we raised $1500 that will go directly into local trails.
Upcoming Trail Days
So far this year we have had a couple of very successful trail days in Minto, plus all kinds of trail gnomes doing exciting work on their own initiative. Itching to swing a pick, work a clipper, armor and bridge stuff, but not certain exactly what needs doing, what fits with the gnomes’ big trail plans? Stay tuned for the next trail day, which we plan to organize very soon.
We Need You
Not a member yet for 2015? You can join at at our Membership Tab.
Questions, feedback, need to know where to drop off delicious cookies? E-mail rvc@rivervalleycycling.com
Thank you for all of your hard work and support. It is what makes great local trails happen.