MVP remains at the core of mountain biking in Fredericton. We have a chance to get it put back into amazing shape for some great fall riding. We need volunteer help – your help!
The Good News
We were contacted by the landowner of the Flight Deck area yesterday and told that we are now welcome to enjoy the trails again. This is fantastic news from a landowner who has been very generous to the club. We know that the temporary closure really hurt this summer but it’s now finally over.
This weekend club execs will head in and start removing the trail barriers and the closed signs. We’ll be doing a safety inspection on all Flight Deck trails since it’s been some time since we’ve had eyes on them and there could be downed trees or other hazards. Not all trails will open immediately. If there are still barriers in place please continue to respect them. In particular, we are not sure about V-Fib. The harvesting took place very close to that trail and it may have been impacted directly. We’ll wait and see how it looks during inspection and we’ll make a plan from there.

What you can do to help us open everything quickly is pitch in. We expect everything in the Flight Deck area will need to be trimmed back with loppers and line trimmers to re-establish lines of sight. We also expect that everything needs a good raking for loose rock that’s accumulated on the trail surface. These are really easy jobs that don’t take any special trail building knowledge. Any rider can help and you can do it on whatever time works for you. Just let us know what you plan to take on so that we can try and send volunteers to the areas they are needed most. While we are on topic – the MVP beginner zone needs the same kind of love so we are looking for Bunkerama, Wright of Way, Velocity, and La Woodstock to also get some attention.
The Other Good News
For whatever reason – the beavers seem to have left Bunkerama and the pond is now gone. We think this means we have a great opportunity to get this trail cleaned up and back into shape for fall riding. A good raking and clearing debris should be all that’s needed – but we need people to step forward.
Get Involved and Support the Work
Get in touch with us via email or messenger and let us know you are willing to help. We can supply loppers / rakes / and trimmers and we’d be happy to point you in the right direction. Let’s get MVP into great shape for fall riding! You can also help the club by getting your membership if you haven’t already for 2024! It’s not too late. Membership funds pay for tools, gas, insurance, and other costs we have to keep trails open.