Riders, we’ve got great news… and an important safety heads-up. Read on.
First the good news. This week has seen huge improvements made to #BlazingDestruction. The volunteer turnout to work alongside Dig-In Trail Building and Design has been exactly what this trail needed. Huge thank you to everyone who’s been coming out to rake and shape. There is easily more than 100 hours of volunteer work into this project already and it will continue on next week on other trails. Also huge thanks again to the local businesses that have sponsored this work: Remsoft, Fredericton Family Chiropractic, Corey Insurance, and Chamberlain Wealth.

We will start to open up certain enduro trails this weekend. Follow our social for updates and pay attention to trails taped closed.
Now the safety news.
Later on this summer the landowner who’s given us generous access to the Flight Deck area will be having some of his timber harvested. The area is generally behind the enduro zone trails and we don’t expect any of our singletrack to be impacted. However, for about 6-8 weeks we could see some heavy traffic on the road that goes through the middle of this area. “Fern Gulley Road” has already been brushed out and it will start to be upgraded in advance of the harvesting and trucking that will occur later on. This is obviously a safety concern for us because riders are not accustomed to any traffic at the bottom of trails like V-Fib, Monkey Business, Slash, and Blazing.
Fern G. Rd.We are already in touch with the forestry company that will be conducting the operation and we have a good channel of communication. We’ll be developing a safety plan that we’ll share as operations commence. We don’t expect a trail closure… but visibility and caution around intersections will be part of it. Working with landowners to preserve your riding access is part of what RVC does… often unseen.