A little more than a year ago the city wrapped up the master plan for Odell Park. We let you know what we thought of it at the time. Now we’ve got an update.

Progress was slow during the pandemic but this summer the city and RVC have reengaged to talk about moving towards implementation. We’ve walked trails in the park with city staff, talking about both issues and opportunities. We met with them again in the park in July, and we now understand a little more about the future of the trails. RVC has been asked to propose an implementation plan that sticks true to the objectives of the master plan, reflects our discussions on the ground.

Here’s what we know:
- Many of the existing trails will stay although there are issues to address through signage, improvements, or small re-routes.
- There are opportunities for new connections – particularly where new builds would avoid sensitive areas and better link existing trails.
- We can expect the city to close ‘Evil Streambed’. This one is of particular concern for Phyllis creek. That trail seems destined to be decommissioned and revegetated in the future.
- RVC will be a partner in implementation, but work will need to be supervised by city staff.
Once we’ve put in RVC’s implementation proposal it will need to be approved by city staff (and possibly council).
This is a good outcome for the Odell park planning process that began way back in 2017 and had a few rocky stretches along the way. Riders could be in a very different position right now. We believe the city should demonstrate progress in 2021 by giving us the ok to put the existing trails back on Trailforks and allowing us to do some leaf-blowing this fall. We’ll include that in our proposal.

We’ll need help from RVC members. Rogue trail work won’t be helpful at this point. If you’ve got good ideas that you’d like to see in our trail proposal, or if you’d like to get involved when/if work starts happening – please get in touch with us! The balance in Odell is fragile. Remember to share the trails and use good rider etiquette.
Please let us know what you think… and join RVC!