Welcome to the July 2020 Newsletter. RVC Newsletters are intended to keep you up to date on events in our community as well as RVC initiatives. 2020 has been a strange year so far for everyone, but there are some positive developments to talk about. Please have a look and drop us an email with suggestions that you might have to improve the newsletter.
Coronavirus & RVC’s Focus for 2020
Several months of social lockdown was hard. Many of us took to the trails where we could get fresh air, exercise, relieve stress, and focus only on the 2 metres in front of us. Having a number of well maintained trail networks was a blessing for the whole community when there wasn’t much else that one could safely do. If you felt the same way, say thanks to the next person you see out clearing deadfall, blowing leaves, or tuning a berm. We have not escaped impact though.
The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that RVC made the difficult decision to cancel all of our events that involve large gatherings. So 2020 will be the first in many years without the Woolastook 4 race, the short-track series, or the skills clinics that have become rider favorites. Instead, RVC will be focusing on trail access, trail building, and strengthening relationships with the landowners and land managers in our community. It will be a lean year for RVC, as many of the events that we’ve had to cancel are big sources of revenue for the club. Not to worry though, as we’ve already seen our members and businesses in the area rally to our cause (more on that later).
Trail Updates
It has been a challenging spring at MVP, arguably the heart and soul of our trail network. First, we had to say good-bye to many of the most popular intermediate (blue) trails in the city when our access to Mr. Wilson’s woodlot was withdrawn. Favorites like Wilson’s Loop, Country View, Hole-in-the-Wall, Swanky, and Best Bitter are now closed. As sad as we were to announce this change we thank Mr. Wilson for his generous cooperation with RVC over the years. His property was a catalyst that accelerated mountain biking in Fredericton and it’s unlikely we’d be where we are today without it.
Next MVP experienced a rash of vehicle break-ins that resulted in thousands of dollars in property damage and theft. We haven’t heard of any new reported incidents in the last 3 weeks but we encourage everyone to continue to Park Smart!
Despite all this there has been some exciting work going on at MVP, particularly over in the ‘enduro zone’. Fern Gully, V-Fib, and DNF have all been tuned-up by the trail crew and work on a new climbing trail has started thanks to an early June trail day! Looking good.

Woolastook has never been in better shape and it’s seen a lot of traffic this spring. In fact, so much traffic that RVC partnered with the campground operator to install an expanded parking lot at the trailhead. The Woolastook loop route is a great family-friendly option for introducing new people to mountain biking.
Improvements are also coming to Islandview thanks to a partnership with the Maritime College of Forest Technology (the land manager). RVC and MCFT will be posting all new trail signage this summer in order to help riders navigate the area. This is good news. That terrain can get you turned around and there are spots where cell service isn’t happening. Signage will be a nice improvement project to build upon as the club develops a relationship with the MCFT. Expect to see a call for a volunteer trail day or two in order to get everything installed!
Odell Park

Odell Park’s plan has been in development by the city for more than 2 years now and it’s now nearing an outcome that will have a place for riding in the long-term. RVC, and the mountain-bike community engaged with the city’s process in an organized, respectful, and considerate manner. We met with city staff leading up to the most recent plan and presented solutions for sustainable multi-use trails. We believe the city has listened.
The final management plan for Odell park will place the park’s ecology as the top priority. We are calling for a multidisciplinary team that involves city staff, local ecologists, RVC trailbuilders, and other stakeholders to assess each trail individually for sustainability. We expect there to be a need for upgrades and re-routing in some areas, and the retiring and reforesting of certain trails. Our key ask to the city was that when one trail must end, another begins at the same time – and that RVC be given the opportunity to be involved in delivering both processes. We are hopeful this plan passes full council in July!
Like we talked about above, 2020 is going to be a tough year on RVC financially and that’s why we are depending on you more than ever to spread the word about the work we do. We have memberships available at an affordable cost for everybody and there’s options to contribute more if that’s something you’re able to do. Already 2020 has been a record year for Gold and Platinum members so thank you so much for your support! Feeling like you’d like to upgrade your membership after reading this sweet newsletter? No problem! Just contact us and we’ll take your money and sort you all out. We are constantly looking to provide new value to members so if you have ideas about how we can do that drop us an email or message and let us know.
Remember to follow us on Facebook and Instagram for the latest updates. This summer we plan to spend more time talking about good trail etiquette and riding responsibly. Have you seen our latest posts on: