Many of us love good trail dogs. Riding is a great way to exercise yourself and your pup and a cool way to spend time together. Most dog owners also understand their responsibilities.
Not everyone is comfortable with riding around trail dogs however, and we need to find a balance for all members. After a recent discussion among the RVC executive (half of whom own trail dogs), we’ve decided we need to clarify a club position.

RVC Trail Dog Policy
Well trained trail dogs are welcome on RVC’s trails with owners who are practicing good etiquette (in full control – respecting signage and local rules – leaving no trace). RVC will post notice when group rides and special events are dog-friendly to let owners and other riders know what to expect.
RVC executive – June 2024
The right way to interpret this statement is that if RVC hasn’t specifically indicated that an event is dog-friendly, pup should stay at home. We’ll try and offer a few social rides that are dog-friendly and when we do, all riders will know to expect pups on trail.
Thanks for your cooperation.