Membership Survey is now closed following a weekend of really strong engagement. Thanks RVC folks!
This morning we have a favour to ask of current, former, and future RVC members – give us your honest opinion of how we are doing as a club.
To make that easy we’ve developed a quick survey. It should only take you 5-10 minutes to complete, and your answers will be collected anonymously.

Why are we doing this?
During the pandemic we know that bike sales surged as many people looked to get outside and enjoy the trails. At the same time it challenged RVC’s ability to operate and offer value to our members. As a result, our membership numbers fell off. This year, RVC has been working really hard to build the club back up to where we were before. We had ~600 members in 2019, but we’re sitting at about ~400 now. RVC has posted some big wins this year… but that’s not enough.
So for those of you who are here with us now – tell us how to keep you psyched on RVC!
For those of you who’ve recently put us on pause – tell us how to win you back!
Take the survey: Click Here!
Thanks. The RVC Exec