On March 2, 2021 RVC held its first ever virtual AGM using the MS Teams platform. The club exec was set up at the Signature Sound studio allowing us to have great sound and light, the ability to physically distance, and the appearance of being a pro-outfit! So before we get to the news – huge thanks to Max Guerette for securing this donation and for providing tech support. Also thanks to NB Power… because this whole thing was a minute away from being cancelled before their crews restored the juice to the studio on a stormy night.

No on to business:
- Membership in 2020 was stable despite the pandemic. RVC grew steadily over the last decade and has 550 current members. We also note that many of you supported the club by upgrading to ‘bronze’ and ‘gold’ status in 2020.
- Money in 2020 was lean but RVC is financially stable. Not being able to host large races and other events had its challenges but RVC benefitted from 2 sizeable grants: $6,600 from the NB Trail Infrastructure Fund and $5,000 from Velo NB.
- Winterbike in 2021 continues with 150 members as of the meeting. The Tour de Beer (Bubble Edition) was a success bringing nearly $1,000 to the club. We now groom 2 trail systems through the winterbike program: MVP and Woolastook and this would not be possible without the heroic volunteer efforts of our grooming team! Thank you guys!
- 2020 had its successes and challenges. While we saw a variety of great new trails built and improvements made at Penniac, MVP, and Woolastook; we also had significant closures occur at the request of landowners. It is a good reminder that a ridership of our size requires organization for success and ongoing land access.

- 2021 Priorities:
- Woolastook – build several km of new trail east of the existing network through our agreement with the Province.
- Mactaquac – build several km of new trail in partnership with the Provincial Park management.
- Islandview – work with the MCFT to reroute small sections of 2 existing trails in order to avoid private lands.
- Odell & Killarney Lake – approach the City of Fredericton with a willingness to begin implementing park master plans.
- Grant Harvey Bike Park – host a trail day to improve and revitalize the RVC perimeter trail and make better use of the space for kids.
- Penniac – establish a landowner outreach approach to build relationships along the ridge. Host big opening of 2 new trails!
- Brookside – grow the north-side trail network by working with a willing landowner who’s contacted RVC.

- Elections – your new 2021 executive is:
- President – Chris Norfolk
- Past-president – Nick Russon
- Vice-president – Mike Hutchinson
- Treasurer – Ian Groen
- Secretary – Norm Siebrasse
- Risk Manager – Chris Furlotte
- Trail Manager – Bev Bunker
- Sponsorship Manager – Melissa Bordage
- Director-at-large – Adam Hadley
Meeting presentation available here.
Full meeting minutes available here.